May 18 - 19, 2024 | Sat and Sun 12-7pm

*6 hours of self study required prior to training and sent out on 5/11

Explore the awakening of energy through breath, mantra, meditation + kriya (action). Throughout the weekend, we will explore the roots of Kundalini yoga, create a 40 day self practice, and immerse in the experience of the subtle body!

The best things in life are not seen, but felt. Come explore all your ten bodies have to offer your wellbeing through the ancient modality of Kundalini Yoga with Katie Clemons! During this weekend, we will explore the history of Kriya + the potency of personal divinity, and you will learn to use your breath as an awareness key to unlock your energetic self. Experience in practicing Kundalini is highly encouraged, as it is truly a modality that cannot be taught until it’s been a personal experience!

Plan to dress in comfortable clothing that will allow you to move and meditate. Students and teachers are welcome to attend this workshop. For Instructors outside of the 300-hour teacher training, this workshop does qualify for 20 hours of continuing education through the Yoga Alliance. A manual will be included, please bring writing utensils, a notebook, and an open mind!